Wednesday, May 29, 2013


      High school is on its way! Are you ready? Either way, here it comes! My parents advice for high school had two main focuses, being kind to everyone and ALWAYS stay caught up on homework. High school, (as I've been told) either will be the best, or worst years of your life. Most of the time, you only see the glory of freedom, new friends, and exploring new possibilities, from movies and TV shows. Honestly, I'm terrified of going to high school, because all I seem to be hearing about is the ever dreaded homework.

      The first advice that was given was: always be kind. This rule always seems to stand out to me, you don't want to be known as the kid who was always mean and treated others awfully. Even if your friends are doing it so you thinks it's okay, it's not. Being mean to people just makes you look bad, and that definitely isn't the impression you want to give as a scrawny, freshman. So, as I said before, always be kind, even if you have the peer pressure of 20 kids. I promise, you won't regret it.

      The second piece of advice that was given was: always stay on top of assignments. It's only going to get harder, so you HAVE to make sure you are finishing your work. Falling behind is only going to cause more and more stress. Making sure you have good grades is definitely important. Having good grades will help you get in the colleges and show that you are a hard worker on the things you peruse in life.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

School In a "Perfect" World

        Well first, in a "perfect world" I don't really think school would even exist. Since there is school in this perfect world, I can definitely accommodate. Although most kids would rather not go to school, I really don't find it that horrid. All day you are in class with (for the most part) good people. Surely though, I could change several things.

         First, I would have school all online. That way kids could go on vacation, and be sick without having to worry about making up all of the work they missed. It would make everything so much more convenient. I personally know that this would've made my life 110% easier when my family and I drove to Boston, and I had to make up two weeks worth of work. Not only would it make easier for kids, some kids aren't always the most confident here at school, this would allow them to stay home and not deal with anxiety. 
         Second,  I would have a Starbucks stand somewhere located in the school. I can always use a good blended white chocolate mocha in the morning. Really though, who doesn't? Plus all profits made at the stand could go to the school, kids could work at it for community service hours. It would be another way for kids to learn responsibility and work on communication with people.
         THIS would be my PERFECT SCHOOL.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

 "I Believe..."

       I believe that even though I am only one person, I can change things in the world a little bit at a time. Everyone on the face of this Earth has a view point about the way things should be done or how people should be treated. I have another believe statement that falls under the category of the first one. I believe that everyone should give everyone a chance.
     Now, I am NOT saying that I want to change the world and prevent global warming or something, I'm saying that I want everyone to have a fair chance at being extraordinary. People hold back from standing out for the fear of being rejected, or failing. Being outstanding is such a rare thing, exactly because they are afraid of what the word holds "stand out" no one seems to want their friends to laugh at them and tell them that their idea or dream will never be achieved.
      What does believe mean to me? Well, to me believing doesn't always involve accomplishing your goal, sometimes it means that you find a better version of yourself, or helping someone else find their purpose in life.Inspired day is really a day that focuses on real life, not the academic part of school. As it was mentioned, you won't always use the Roman Empire facts you used, you will use your character building skills.